Sunday 16 November 2008

Inuit Immigration Diary 1.

Dear Diary,

Hi I am one of the Inuit’s that is planning to Immigrate to America. My family and I are living in a huge Igloo. My father is chief of the Inuit group. Unlike other countries that I heard of, my father is known as good leader in this group. He gets all the respect, honor, and care of other members in his group. We eat Meat (from bear, seals, and etc), fat, and fish from the ocean. But it was one day when the white people come to Canada and suggest us to go to America with them. My father has agreed and we are going to took off Canada soon. Also each year the food we need is decreasing and members of Inuit are increasing, so the food problem is one of reason why we are immigrating to America. Also we Inuit’s speak Inuit’s for over thousands of year and now our family speak American as second language, that is another reason why we are moving to America. So we are going to take part in California, because America has warm Climate and there are plentiful grass and enough food for us to eat until end of our life.

"I wonder what life in the America would like"

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

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