Wednesday 26 November 2008

Immigration Diary 6

Dear Diary

Long time no See! well already 1 years has pass since I came to America. My father is general minister of government that means he is right under vice-president. If you can imagine...that is pretty darn high position. Any way I remember the day the thieves came to our house and some of stuff that belong to us... Before I came to America, I thought America is going to be little bit better than our country in Artic Circle, but I was quite close, but I feel that America is way better than our country. I don’t have any blame or regrets to those who stole our stuff earlier but it hope for them to live confidently and have enough food and shelter... Oh and I didn’t tell you didn't me... like I told you long time ago my father contacted all the people of Inuit group and told them to come. My father provided them shelter, land, food, and other supplies for them to live. Also we built 270 churches in California. I am so thankful for God that he blessed our family and made our families life comfortable. We know that he gave us hard days, but we could overcome those events and now it lead us to huge success. I don’t think I want to have done different pass 1 year, because God was with us all the time and had a good plan for our family, my family always pray god to give him thanks, and pray for those who is poor, homeless, people that dies because lack of food.

May God Bless us...

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

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