Wednesday 19 November 2008

Immigration Diary 2.

Dear Diary

My family and I came to America by ship called “Maple Jolk" heading to America to the west part of America. I couldn't write to you because I was busy packing our bags to immigrate to America, but from now on I will try to write you as many times as possible in the ship......My journey was quite of bit harsh and our family had a hard time overcoming the sea sick. There were Sea storms over 20 days in 33 days of my Journey. The ship trembled like Viking, all the furniture in side were rolling to other side each time the ship rocks. Lots of people had died out, but no funeral was given to them, instead they were just thrown out to the sea. My mom and dad cried seeing that. The rest 13 days were quiet and it was peaceful and the sea was gentle as lake flowing. Now we are at the place where we have to get citizen ship to live in America. Our family is really happy to be in America, but we are worrying about a shelter to live, I have younger brother, so we can't stay long without shelter. I guess we have to wait until we get land, and then worry about shelter.
"I can't adjust in this warm climate, but I hope I can get use to it quickly"

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

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