Sunday 23 November 2008

Immigration Diary 4

Dear Diary

I feel that life in America is way different than our chief life in Igloo at Artic. First I will briefly compare America to my country Canada. First of all my country Canada is located in cold place, among that our family live in the way North in the Canada which is near Artic circle, where the temperature sometimes drop down to -80 and even to -90 degree Celsius which was recorded as the coldest temperature in the earth in whole History. To that, Californian (State in America) has warm climate which is hard to adjust for people like us, warm sunlight our family can cherish, and wild animals. We had to live in this I.g.l.o.o which everyone thinks it is cozy inside and really interesting, but if you live in their hmmm... maybe for week, you will know what it feels like to live in an I.g.l.o.o it shucks.... For food, now we eat all these feast, but in the Artic, there is nothing much to eat, we have to actually catch seals, and sharks, which smells really bad and you have to be careful so bear wont smell blood and come to our Inuit town. Last time when the groups of bear came to our town by smelling the shark blood, we lost 2 men that fought with the bears. Also now e use Dollars $ and Cents to buy food and supplies for our life...

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

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