Wednesday 26 November 2008

Immigration Diary 6

Dear Diary

Long time no See! well already 1 years has pass since I came to America. My father is general minister of government that means he is right under vice-president. If you can imagine...that is pretty darn high position. Any way I remember the day the thieves came to our house and some of stuff that belong to us... Before I came to America, I thought America is going to be little bit better than our country in Artic Circle, but I was quite close, but I feel that America is way better than our country. I don’t have any blame or regrets to those who stole our stuff earlier but it hope for them to live confidently and have enough food and shelter... Oh and I didn’t tell you didn't me... like I told you long time ago my father contacted all the people of Inuit group and told them to come. My father provided them shelter, land, food, and other supplies for them to live. Also we built 270 churches in California. I am so thankful for God that he blessed our family and made our families life comfortable. We know that he gave us hard days, but we could overcome those events and now it lead us to huge success. I don’t think I want to have done different pass 1 year, because God was with us all the time and had a good plan for our family, my family always pray god to give him thanks, and pray for those who is poor, homeless, people that dies because lack of food.

May God Bless us...

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Immigration Diary 5

Dear Diary

Our family didn't find out any hardship to adjust in America, because we didn't have any language problem like others, no food, shelter, stealing problem. But one thing we are working on is to fit in the culture. As you see America is a developed country and it is developing still. In American culture they use fork and knifes to eat food, but we are use to eating with short spear and hands, because we live far north of the Canada and there is not many human contact. Also clothing, we wore stuffy clothes to keep us warm from the cold, but now we have to adjust and wear shirts and short pants to keep us cool -_-;;, I think cold is quite of bit better than hot weather. Our family was unpleasant surprised, when thieves stole our money, clothing, and foods, this is the reason why our family had to hire some guards to protect us, I just don't know how I feel so comfortable and safe in our house. My father was considered as h.i.g.h class as soon as we got there. He works for the government and he is in high position even there! I wonder why my father gets all these nice treatment....Oh yea! Today my father got a huge chunk of land that amount too....about 9,000,000 acres of land. So that is about big as 5 City... so we are planning to contact with rest of our Inuit group and ask them to join our life in America, and let them live in our land, provide shelter and food. I just can't wait until our Inuit group gathers together and have a party.

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

Sunday 23 November 2008

Immigration Diary 4

Dear Diary

I feel that life in America is way different than our chief life in Igloo at Artic. First I will briefly compare America to my country Canada. First of all my country Canada is located in cold place, among that our family live in the way North in the Canada which is near Artic circle, where the temperature sometimes drop down to -80 and even to -90 degree Celsius which was recorded as the coldest temperature in the earth in whole History. To that, Californian (State in America) has warm climate which is hard to adjust for people like us, warm sunlight our family can cherish, and wild animals. We had to live in this I.g.l.o.o which everyone thinks it is cozy inside and really interesting, but if you live in their hmmm... maybe for week, you will know what it feels like to live in an I.g.l.o.o it shucks.... For food, now we eat all these feast, but in the Artic, there is nothing much to eat, we have to actually catch seals, and sharks, which smells really bad and you have to be careful so bear wont smell blood and come to our Inuit town. Last time when the groups of bear came to our town by smelling the shark blood, we lost 2 men that fought with the bears. Also now e use Dollars $ and Cents to buy food and supplies for our life...

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

Immigration diary 3

Dear Diary

Unlike we expected, our living going through immigration was smmoth and favorable. Because after we got to America through Canadian border, with white people's help, we were commited as high class people and got huge house, comfortable shelter, food like rich turkeys, potato, chicken, mashroom soup, fruits, icecream, shake, and all the other food we want for extra. Like i told you before we are living life of High class so we get inspectation of other peoples jealousness and honor. I cant express my feeling right now...! We had to worry about thief or others coming to our house for the money or food, we could just give them away if just they request for it, but since there were so much stealing going around in our town, we had to hire few guards to protect my house and family. Also another think I feel thankful is that we got to settle in the high class town fast with kind neighbors living with us. We will have a good time until the day when we get to own some chunks of land to call rest of our Inuit groups to settle in our land, give them shelter, provide food. Ah! all these joy our family can have... I am so glad that our family immigrated to America in California.
I wish rest of our Inuit groups can share this Joy soon.....

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Immigration Diary 2.

Dear Diary

My family and I came to America by ship called “Maple Jolk" heading to America to the west part of America. I couldn't write to you because I was busy packing our bags to immigrate to America, but from now on I will try to write you as many times as possible in the ship......My journey was quite of bit harsh and our family had a hard time overcoming the sea sick. There were Sea storms over 20 days in 33 days of my Journey. The ship trembled like Viking, all the furniture in side were rolling to other side each time the ship rocks. Lots of people had died out, but no funeral was given to them, instead they were just thrown out to the sea. My mom and dad cried seeing that. The rest 13 days were quiet and it was peaceful and the sea was gentle as lake flowing. Now we are at the place where we have to get citizen ship to live in America. Our family is really happy to be in America, but we are worrying about a shelter to live, I have younger brother, so we can't stay long without shelter. I guess we have to wait until we get land, and then worry about shelter.
"I can't adjust in this warm climate, but I hope I can get use to it quickly"

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite

Sunday 16 November 2008

Inuit Immigration Diary 1.

Dear Diary,

Hi I am one of the Inuit’s that is planning to Immigrate to America. My family and I are living in a huge Igloo. My father is chief of the Inuit group. Unlike other countries that I heard of, my father is known as good leader in this group. He gets all the respect, honor, and care of other members in his group. We eat Meat (from bear, seals, and etc), fat, and fish from the ocean. But it was one day when the white people come to Canada and suggest us to go to America with them. My father has agreed and we are going to took off Canada soon. Also each year the food we need is decreasing and members of Inuit are increasing, so the food problem is one of reason why we are immigrating to America. Also we Inuit’s speak Inuit’s for over thousands of year and now our family speak American as second language, that is another reason why we are moving to America. So we are going to take part in California, because America has warm Climate and there are plentiful grass and enough food for us to eat until end of our life.

"I wonder what life in the America would like"

Sincerly: Nootakiue Keluite